Coming in 2025:

Up Shit Creek Without a Paddle Muriel Cooper

I've Come to Talk With You Again Leo Jahn

The Green Job Rob Gerrand

The Book Blinders John Clute

Proud and Lonely Leigh Edmonds

Aliens & Savages: The Voice In Australia Janeen Webb and Andrew Enstice

Charm, Strangeness, Mass and Spin Stephen Dedman

The Millennium Job Rob Gerrand

The Plains Gerald Murnane

Landscape With Landscape Gerald Murnane

Philip K Dick: Electric Shepherd Bruce Gillespie (editor)

The Altered I Lee Harding (editor)

Moon in the Ground Keith Antill

An Unusual Angle Greg Egan

Dreamworks David King (editor)

Where Pussywillows Last in the Catyard Bloomed and Other Poems Roger Zelazny

In the Heart or in the Head: An Essay in Time Travel George Turner

Lavington Pugh Jay Bland

The View from the Edge : A Workshop of Science Fiction Stories George Turner (editor)

The Dreaming Dragons Damien Broderick

The Stellar Gauge: Essays on Science Fiction Writers Michael Tolley and Kirpal Singh (editors)