11 Robe Street, St Kilda Victoria 3182 Australia
Norstrilia Press is an independent publisher based in Melbourne, Australia

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Up Shit Creek
[and how to cope with it]
By Muriel Cooper
I've Come To Talk With You Again
by Leo Jahn

Coming soon in 2025

To be launched by Sammy J at Readings, Acland Street, St Kilda, 6pm Wednesday 2 April.
Book at https://www.readings.com.au/events/up-shit-creek-in-a-barbed-wire-canoe-by-muriel-cooper
If you've ever been up shit creek in a barbed wire canoe, you'll know that you long for a way out. You're depressed, your bum hurts, and you feel like a fool. A paddle would do you no good at all. Sometimes, you feel you can't talk to anyone about it. What you need are strategies, which is what this book gives you. You probably don't need a long, thick, complicated book (this one is not - I aimed to do it in around a hundred pages), and you could probably do with a laugh or at least a smile (I hope you get one here).
Shit has become an everyday word. Like the 'F' word, it is now in the common vernacular as a way to express ourselves. Usually, nobody is offended (well, not much anyway, and if they're too 'poopy' about it, they're a shit). If things do give you the shits, this little book can be beneficial to help you cope with shit, whether it's an accident, stress, anxiety, depression, a shitty relationship, irritating relatives, shit at work, or shit in the world at large. This is only an introduction to coping with shit. If it doesn't help and you're not dealing with it, get help.
Stories inspired by great songs.